Assign Poor-man's ProMisE based on POLE, MMR, p53, and histopathological features.
assign_promisepoor(mmr_ihc_2, mmr_ihc_4, pole_mut, p53, grade, hist_gr)
MMR status determined by 2 IHCs: MSH6 and PMS2
MMR status determined by 4 IHCs: MSH6, PMS2, MLH1, and MSH2
POLE mutation status
p53 IHC
tumour grade: 1, 2, 3
histological subtype group: endometrioid or non-endometrioid
Poor-man's ProMisE assigned into "Low-Risk", "POLEmut", "MMRd", "p53abn", or "NSMP/p53wt"
Poor-man's ProMisE first assigns a low risk group based on histopathological features grade, histotype, MMR status determined by 2 and 4 IHC markers, and p53. The rest of the high risk cases are assigned as in ProMisE 2019.