Simulated endometrial cancer database used for testing functions.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 800 rows and 43 columns.


Each clinical variable has a distribution simulated from the proportions seen in the Vancouver endometrial cancer database.

  • stage_full

    • full FIGO staging

  • stage

    • stage without substages: I, II, III, IV

  • grade_rev

    • tumour grade

  • hist_rev_gr

    • histological subtype group

  • hist

    • histological subtype

  • myo

    • myometrial invasion

  • lvi

    • lymphovascular invasion (LVSI)

  • residual

    • residual disease

  • mmr_ihc_2

    • MMR status determined by 2 IHC markers

  • mmr_ihc_4

    • MMR status determined by 4 IHC markers

  • pole_mut

    • POLE mutation status

  • p53

    • p53 IHC

  • p53_mut

    • p53 mutation status

  • msh6, pms2, mlh1, msh2

    • MMR IHC markers


#> # A tibble: 800 × 43
#>    stage_full stage grade_rev hist_rev_gr   hist  myo   lvi   residual mmr_ihc_2
#>    <fct>      <fct> <fct>     <fct>         <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>    
#>  1 IA         I     grade 3   non-endometr… endo… none  NA    no resi… intact   
#>  2 III        III   grade 3   NA            endo… 1-50% nega… no resi… intact   
#>  3 IV         IV    grade 1   endometrioid  sero… >50%  posi… no resi… intact   
#>  4 IA         NA    grade 3   endometrioid  sero… 1-50% nega… no resi… intact   
#>  5 II         II    grade 1   non-endometr… clea… none  nega… no resi… intact   
#>  6 IV         IV    grade 1   endometrioid  clea… 1-50% nega… no resi… intact   
#>  7 II         II    grade 3   non-endometr… endo… 1-50% nega… NA       intact   
#>  8 IA         I     grade 3   endometrioid  sero… 1-50% nega… no resi… deficient
#>  9 III        III   grade 1   non-endometr… endo… 1-50% posi… no resi… intact   
#> 10 IVB        NA    grade 3   non-endometr… endo… >50%  nega… no resi… intact   
#> # … with 790 more rows, and 34 more variables: mmr_ihc_4 <fct>, pole_mut <fct>,
#> #   p53 <fct>, p53_mut <fct>, msh6 <fct>, pms2 <fct>, mlh1 <fct>, msh2 <fct>,
#> #   ace_mi <chr>, ace_cad <chr>, ace_chf <chr>, ace_arr <chr>, ace_htn <chr>,
#> #   ace_vd <chr>, ace_pad <chr>, ace_res <chr>, ace_hep <chr>, ace_sto <chr>,
#> #   ace_pan <chr>, ace_rd <chr>, ace_dm <chr>, ace_str <chr>, ace_dem <chr>,
#> #   ace_par <chr>, ace_neu <chr>, ace_psy <chr>, ace_rhe <chr>, ace_aid <chr>,
#> #   ace_st <chr>, ace_lm <chr>, ace_lym <chr>, ace_alc <chr>, ace_id <chr>, …