The goal of EndoTools is to provide helper tools for calculating commonly used variables in endometrial cancer projects such as:

  • MMR
  • ProMisE
  • ESMO

There are different versions for each molecular variable.


You can install EndoTools from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


This is a basic example which shows you how to assign and compare different ESMO risk groups:


df <- emdb %>%
    eclass2 = assign_promise2019(mmr_ihc_2, pole_mut, p53),
    esmo2013 = assign_esmo2013(stage_full, grade_rev, hist_rev_gr),
    esmo2016 = assign_esmo2016(stage_full, grade_rev, hist_rev_gr, myo, lvi),
    esmo2020 = assign_esmo2020(stage_full, grade_rev, hist_rev_gr, myo, lvi, eclass2,

df %>% 
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   esmo2013         n
#>   <fct>        <int>
#> 1 low             89
#> 2 intermediate   117
#> 3 high           425
#> 4 <NA>           169

df %>% 
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   esmo2016              n
#>   <fct>             <int>
#> 1 low                  36
#> 2 intermediate         21
#> 3 high-intermediate    99
#> 4 high                421
#> 5 advanced             12
#> 6 metastatic            6
#> 7 <NA>                205

df %>% 
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   esmo2020              n
#>   <fct>             <int>
#> 1 low                  75
#> 2 intermediate         51
#> 3 high-intermediate    81
#> 4 high                223
#> 5 advanced             32
#> 6 metastatic            6
#> 7 <NA>                332

df %>% 
  count(esmo2013, esmo2016, esmo2020)
#> # A tibble: 54 × 4
#>    esmo2013 esmo2016          esmo2020              n
#>    <fct>    <fct>             <fct>             <int>
#>  1 low      low               low                  19
#>  2 low      low               intermediate          1
#>  3 low      low               <NA>                  6
#>  4 low      intermediate      low                  14
#>  5 low      intermediate      <NA>                  2
#>  6 low      high-intermediate low                   3
#>  7 low      high-intermediate intermediate          2
#>  8 low      high-intermediate high-intermediate    18
#>  9 low      high-intermediate high                  1
#> 10 low      high-intermediate <NA>                  6
#> # … with 44 more rows